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  Field Listing - Waterways

Waterways (km)
Afghanistan 1,200 km
note: chiefly Amu Darya, which handles vessels up to 500 DWT (2004)
Albania 43 km (2004)
Angola 1,300 km (2004)
Argentina 11,000 km (2004)
Australia 2,000 km (mainly used for recreation on Murray and Murray-Darling river systems) (2004)
Austria 358 km (2003)
Bangladesh 8,372 km
note: includes 2,575 km main cargo routes (2004)
Belarus 2,500 km (use limited by location on perimeter of country and by shallowness) (2003)
Belgium 2,043 km (1,528 km in regular commercial use) (2003)
Belize 825 km (navigable only by small craft) (2004)
Benin 150 km (on River Niger along northern border) (2004)
Bolivia 10,000 km (commercially navigable) (2004)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sava River (northern border) open to shipping but use limited because of no agreement with neighboring countries (2004)
Brazil 50,000 km (most in areas remote from industry and population) (2004)
Brunei 209 km (navigable by craft drawing less than 1.2 m) (2004)
Bulgaria 470 km (2004)
Burma 12,800 km (2004)
Burundi mainly on Lake Tanganyika (2004)
Cambodia 2,400 km (mainly on Mekong River) (2004)
Cameroon navigation mainly on Benue River; limited during rainy season (2004)
Canada 631 km
note: Saint Lawrence Seaway of 3,769 km, including the Saint Lawrence River of 3,058 km, shared with United States (2003)
Central African Republic 2,800 km (primarily on the Oubangui and Sangha rivers) (2004)
Chad Chari and Legone rivers are navigable only in wet season (2002)
China 121,557 km (2002)
Colombia 9,187 km (2004)
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 15,000 km (navigation on the Congo curtailed by fighting) (2004)
Congo, Republic of the 4,385 km (on Congo and Oubanqui rivers) (2004)
Costa Rica 730 km (seasonally navigable by small craft) (2004)
Cote d'Ivoire 980 km (navigable rivers, canals, and numerous coastal lagoons) (2003)
Croatia 785 km (2004)
Cuba 240 km (2004)
Czech Republic 664 km (on Elbe, Vlatava, and Oder rivers) (2004)
Denmark 417 km (2001)
Ecuador 1,500 km (most inaccessible) (2003)
Egypt 3,500 km
note: includes Nile River, Lake Nasser, Alexandria-Cairo Waterway, and numerous smaller canals in delta; Suez Canal (193.5 km including approaches) navigable by oceangoing vessels drawing up to 17.68 m (2004)
El Salvador Rio Lempa partially navigable (2004)
Estonia 500 km (2003)
European Union 53,512 km
Fiji 203 km
note: 122 km navigable by motorized craft and 200-metric-ton barges (2004)
Finland 7,842 km
note: includes Saimaa Canal system of 3,577 km; southern part leased from Russia (2004)
France 8,500 km (1,686 km accessible to craft of 3,000 metric tons) (2000)
French Guiana 3,760 km
note: 460 km navigable by small oceangoing vessels and coastal and river steamers, 3,300 km by native craft (2004)
Gabon 1,600 km (310 km on Ogooue River) (2003)
Gambia, The 390 km (on River Gambia; small ocean-going vessels can reach 190 km) (2004)
Germany 7,300 km
note: Rhine River carries most goods; Main-Danube Canal links North Sea and Black Sea (2004)
Ghana 1,293 km
note: 168 km for launches and lighters on Volta, Ankobra, and Tano rivers; 1,125 km of arterial and feeder waterways on Lake Volta (2003)
Greece 6 km
note: Corinth Canal (6 km) crosses the Isthmus of Corinth; shortens sea voyage by 325 km (2004)
Guatemala 990 km
note: 260 km navigable year round; additional 730 km navigable during high-water season (2004)
Guinea 1,295 km (navigable by shallow-draft native craft) (2003)
Guinea-Bissau 4 largest rivers are navigable for some distance; many inlets and creeks give shallow-water access to much of interior (2004)
Guyana 1,077 km
note: Berbice, Demerara, and Essequibo rivers are navigable by oceangoing vessels for 150 km, 100 km, and 80 km respectively (2004)
Honduras 465 km (most navigable only by small craft) (2004)
Hungary 1,622 km (most on Danube River) (2004)
India 14,500 km
note: 5,200 km on major rivers and 485 km on canals suitable for mechanized vessels (2004)
Indonesia 21,579 km
note: Sumatra 5,471 km, Java and Madura 820 km, Kalimantan 10,460 km, Sulawesi (Celebes) 241 km, Irian Jaya 4,587 km (2004)
Iran 850 km (on Karun River and Lake Urmia) (2004)
Iraq 5,275 km (not all navigable)
note: Euphrates River (2,815 km), Tigris River (1,895 km), and Third River (565 km) are principal waterways (2004)
Ireland 753 km (pleasure craft only) (2004)
Italy 2,400 km
note: used for commercial traffic; of limited overall value compared to road and rail (2004)
Japan 1,770 km (seagoing vessels use inland seas) (2004)
Kazakhstan 4,000 km
note: on the Syr Darya (Syrdariya) and Ertis (Irtysh) rivers (2004)
Kenya part of Lake Victoria system is within boundaries of Kenya (2004)
Kiribati 5 km (small network of canals in Line Islands) (2003)
Korea, North 2,250 km
note: most navigable only by small craft (2004)
Korea, South 1,608 km
note: most navigable only by small craft (2004)
Kyrgyzstan 600 km (2004)
Laos 4,600 km
note: primarily Mekong and tributaries; 2,897 additional km are intermittently navigable by craft drawing less than 0.5 m (2003)
Latvia 300 km (2004)
Liechtenstein 28 km (2004)
Lithuania 600 km (2004)
Luxembourg 37 km (on Moselle River) (2003)
Madagascar 600 km (2004)
Malawi 700 km
note: on Lake Nyasa (Lake Malawi) and Shire River (2003)
Malaysia 7,200 km
note: Peninsular Malaysia 3,200 km, Sabah 1,500 km, Sarawak 2,500 km (2004)
Mali 1,815 km (2004)
Mauritania some ferry traffic on Senegal River (2004)
Mexico 2,900 km
note: navigable rivers and coastal canals (2004)
Moldova 424 km (2004)
Mongolia 580 km
note: only waterway in operation is Lake Khovsgol (135 km); Selenge River (270 km) and Orkhon River (175 km) are navigable but carry little traffic; lakes and rivers freeze in winter, are open from May to September (2004)
Mozambique 460 km (Zambezi River navigable to Tete and along Cahora Bassa Lake) (2004)
Netherlands 5,046 km (navigable for ships of 50 tons) (2004)
Nicaragua 2,220 km (including lakes Managua and Nicaragua) (1997)
Niger 300 km
note: Niger River is navigable to Gaya between September and March (2004)
Nigeria 8,600 km (Niger and Benue rivers and smaller rivers and creeks) (2004)
Panama 800 km (includes 82 km Panama Canal) (2004)
Papua New Guinea 10,940 km (2003)
Paraguay 3,100 km (2004)
Peru 8,808 km
note: 8,600 km of navigable tributaries of Amazon system and 208 km of Lago Titicaca (2004)
Philippines 3,219 km
note: limited to vessels with draft less than 1.5 m (2004)
Poland 3,997 km (navigable rivers and canals) (2003)
Portugal 210 km (on Douro River from Porto) (2003)
Romania 1,731 km (2004)
Russia 96,000 km
note: 72,000 km system in European Russia links Baltic Sea, White Sea, Caspian Sea, Sea of Azov, and Black Sea (2004)
Rwanda Lac Kivu navigable by shallow-draft barges and native craft (2004)
Senegal 1,000 km (primarily on Senegal, Saloum, and Casamance rivers) (2003)
Serbia and Montenegro 587 km
note: Danube River traffic delayed by pontoon bridge at Novi Sad; plan to replace by summer of 2005 (2004)
Sierra Leone 800 km (2003)
Slovakia 172 km (on Danube River) (2004)
Spain 1,045 km (2003)
Sri Lanka 160 km (primarily on rivers in southwest) (2004)
Sudan 4,068 km (1,723 km open year round on White and Blue Nile rivers) (2004)
Suriname 1,200 km (most navigable by ships with drafts up to 7 m) (2003)
Switzerland 65 km
note: Rhine River between Basel-Rheinfelden and Schaffhausen-Bodensee, some canals, and 12 navigable lakes (2003)
Syria 900 km (not economically significant) (2002)
Tajikistan 200 km (along Vakhsh River) (2003)
Tanzania Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, and Lake Nyasa principal avenues of commerce with neighboring countries; rivers not navigable (2004)
Thailand 4,000 km
note: 3,701 km navigable by boats with drafts up to 0.9 m (2003)
Togo 50 km (seasonally on Mono River depending on rainfall) (2003)
Turkey 1,200 km (2003)
Turkmenistan 1,300 km (Amu Darya and Kara Kum canal important inland waterways) (2003)
Uganda 300 km (on Lake Victoria, 200 km on Lake Albert, Lake Kyoga, and parts of Albert Nile) (2004 est.)
Ukraine 1,672 km (most on Dnieper River) (2004)
United Kingdom 3,200 km (620 km used for commerce) (2004)
United States 41,009 km (19,312 km used for commerce)
note: Saint Lawrence Seaway of 3,769 km, including the Saint Lawrence River of 3,058 km, shared with Canada (2004)
Uruguay 1,600 km (2002)
Uzbekistan 1,100 km (2004)
Venezuela 7,100 km
note: Orinoco River and Lake de Maracaibo navigable by oceangoing vessels, Orinoco for 400 km (2004)
Vietnam 17,702 km (5,000 km navigable by vessels up to 1.8 m draft) (2004)
Zambia 2,250 km
note: includes Lake Tanganyika and the Zambezi and Luapula rivers (2003)
Zimbabwe on Lake Kariba, length small (2003)

This page was last updated on 27 January, 2005

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