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1. During the Enlightenment Era, a new philosophy called _________________________________________ , explored how to make life better: freedom, justice, equality, merit, etc. 2. In relation to the Enlightenment, Western Society "worships" reason: Science allows us to examine ________________________ 3. One of the tenets of the Enlightenment is that the ________________________________________ shepherd progress 4. One of the effects of the Enlightenment is that the optimism of the West, as seen in the pre WW1 ___________________________________________ , dominated common & high culture 5. A criticism of the Enlightenment includes the belief that _______________________________ , according to Hobbes, is weak & cannot overcome emotion 6. In relation to social laws, social laws are laws so long as people follow them out of ignorance, out of , or from being forced 7. In relation to the scientific method, Hume found that the ________________________ are subject to illusions, errors, or prejudices 8. In relation to the qualities of the scientific method, one of the fundamental differences btwn common sense & science is that scientific knowledge is shared & ______________________ 9. In relation to the hist of the sci method, during the mid ages, while science in the West languished, the _____________________________ continued scientific exploration as seen in the use of the sci method by many Arabs 10. In relation to Monte on the dev of the sci method, the contextualization
of knowledge, without _____________________________ , science &
the understanding of reality is impossible, so, the first thing that must
be done is description, classification, typefication
Be sure & answer all parts of the question. Style, spelling & grammar are important. Demonstrate a strong factual argument, use examples, & then inform your opinion. Answers should be about 2 hand written pages long. There is no Essay for this chapter.
The End