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1. In relation to terrorism, the goals of war & terrorism are often the same, thus the causes of _____________________________ are often similar in form to the causes of terrorism 2. In relation to terrorism & war: terrorists & freedom fighters, _______________________________ war evolved at the end of the middle ages & was seen as unhonorable 3. In relation to the history of terrorism, the US revolutionary army including the Minute Men all who utilized ___________________________________ tactics were considered terrorists by the British who preferred the "field of honor" battlefield 4. In relation to terrorist attacks, on September 5, 1986 hijackers take over a Pan Am jet at Karachi Airport in Pakistan where twenty people are killed when ___________________________________________ storm the plane 5. In relation to the Haymarket Square bombing & riot, Governor Altgeld pardoned the three surviving prisoners in 1893, declaring the trial a _________________________________ , charging the press w/ poisoning public opinion, praising organized Labor 6. In relation to Beirut Marines barracks attack, 1983, in the 1970's, conflict btwn Lebanese Christian & Muslim groups flared up because the Christians opposed, & the Muslims supported, the presence of armed __________________________ [ abbreviation OK ] members in the country 7. In relation to the 1988 Pan Am bombing, Colonel Muammar Muhammad al-Qadhafi, who led the ____________________________________ , became the head of Libya's govt & took control of most economic activities 8. In relation to the 1993 WTC bombing, en Feb, a ___________________________________________ bomb destroyed several of the basement floors of the WTC in NYC 9. In relation to the types of terrorism, at other times, terrorists choose any target certain to attract __________________________________________ 10. Vigilante terrorism against native Americans was part of a larger pattern of broken ________________________________ , unkept promises, & the slaughter of defenseless women & children 11. The KKK was formed as a __________________________________ club by a group of Confederate Army veterans in Pulaski, TN., in 1865 or 1866 12. In relation to insurgent terrorism, ___________________________________
strife can also take the form of insurgent terrorism
13. In relation to transnational terrorism, an example the true transnational character of terrorism today can be seen in Osama bin Laden & _______________________________________ who originate in many nations around the world, who draw resources from many people around the world, & who target nations in the 1st, 2nd, & even 3rd worlds 14. State terrorism is unique & important because of the number of people affected but more importantly because it is perpetrated by the _________________________________ of a nation 15. In relation to govts & terrorism, govt sponsored counter mvmt terrorism is most common in _____________________________________ & totalitarian govts though some democratic govts also engage is terrorism 16. In relation to the causes of terrorism, while the frequency & pervaisiveness of war is not clear, terrorism, social movements, & collective action in general are ____________________________ 17. In relation to the psyc & soc psyc causes of terrorism, when we look at psychological & structural factors together, we can begin to understand their relationship is constructing causal understandings mirroring the classic dilemma btwn _____________________________ & _____________________________ explanations, btwn visible & hidden causes of behavior 18. In relation to the structural causes of terrorism, the difference btwn the IRA, the PLO & the Am colonists is one of methods while they are similar in the fact that they are responding to, in their view, ________________________________________ 19. In relation to the media's coverage of terrorism, the "media provides the ' ________________________ of ________________________ ' on which terrorism thrives" 20. In relation to gender & terrorism, in general women are
as __________________________________ & support war &
other forms of collective violence as much as men do
Essays should be two, average length, hand written pages long. Be sure & answer all parts of the question. 3. In relation to terrorist attacks, using an example of a terrorist
attack ( you may examine any of the events covered in class, or any event
not covered in class such as 9 - 11 ), describe what happened in the attack.
Explain what type(s) of terrorism this event may be classified under, &
why. Discuss how this or a similar attack might be countered comparing
the military, social / economic, & religious dimensions.
The End