Outline on
Link The Organization of every assignment is evaluated
Link One key to organizing your work is to follow instructions
        given on the syllabus or in class
Link The student should work to create a clear &  flowing paper, presentation or other assignment
Link Be sure & hand-in all that is asked for in the assignment
Link Turn all assignments in on-time Link
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           Return to the Term Paper Webpage Link
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The Organization of every assignment is evaluated

This means that assignments should be easy to follow 
     & they should flow logically
Different assignments have different organizational requirements.
For example Term Papers should have 
    a title page
    a table of contents

Watch your assignments closely for organizational requirements

See the Organization Webpage for an overview on how to organize your assignment         Link

One key to organizing your work is to follow instructions given on the syllabus or in class

The first criteria for organization is that the student or student group follows the instructions of assignment as given.  If you have questions, please ask!

On the job, in "the real world," the supervisor or customer must be given what she wants or it is of little use to her.

Carefully review your syllabus and other info given in class or in hand-out to determine the organization & nature of the assignment

The student should work to create a clear &  flowing paper, presentation or other assignment
Another criteria for organization is that the student's or student group's paper or oral presentation must flow.  That is, the paper must be organized / arranged in such a way that the reader can follow it. 

The assignments as given here obviously encourage such organization.  For example, you are to have an intro, followed by a body which is made up of logical subsections, which transition clearly from one subsection to the next.  Each assignment should end with a conclusion that clearly summarizes the paper or presentation and emphasizes the major conclusion.  Be sure and read each section of the syllabus on how to organize the proper section for your assignment. 

On the job, in "the real world," the supervisor or customer must be able to follow what is being reported.

Be sure & hand-in all that is asked for in the assignment
Many assignments have a list of items to hand-in w/ the assignment
Check the main syllabus for the requirements about what to hand-in

Most term papers require that you turn-in the Draft & Final Proposals with them
Most presentations require that you turn-in questions w/ them

Turn all assignments in on-time
Another criteria for organization is that all components of an assignment must be turned in on time. 
The syllabus clearly states what is due with each assignment at each particular date.

When on the job, in "the real world,"  a late report is no report. 

The End