Writing Assignment:
 In-class mission  Intro  What is webbing?
 Ground rules . .
"Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:"
Answer the questions found below as a group. 
Hand in one answer
Include everyone's first & last name 
    ( In alphabetical order ) 
    ( Include only members who are present )
Indicate the       name of the class
Indicate the       date:
Indicate the       name of the Project:       Webbing
Be thorough--write good answers;  use your time wisely & be finished by  end of the allotted time. 
This Webbing assignment is to following the Brainstorming assignment

In order to develop your Topic, which will then be developed into a Thesis, which then will be developed into an Outline, and finally to create your Final Assignment (whether written or oral), this assignment is to 
Web your Brainstorming ideas in order to begin to organize and refine the topic. 

What is webbing?
Webbing is similar to brainstorming, but a bit more organized.  

Refer to your brainstorming list.  Put your topic or topic phrase in the middle.  Now draw connections between different elements in the form of a web.  

Try to put the most directly connected ideas & concepts closest to the topic.  The less connected ideas go on the periphery.  

As you web, you may discover that some ideas do not fit where you originally placed them.  In this case, you may simply erase and move the ideas, or you may want to start over.  

Feel free to add to your brainstorm list during this exercise.  

Keep the Web.  Add to it as your assignment progresses to the final product. 

Ground rules
While webbing, you are still brainstorming:  seeing the connections may bring other ideas & connections to mind.
If it comes to mind, write it down
The more the better,
If the brainstorm idea is too broad, it can be eliminated later
It may seems silly, unrelated, etc.
No criticism

You may develop other nodes or central concepts
Thus you may have several webs
You may want to label some of the web links:  
    They could be important processes

