Project  Writing a Thesis Statement w/ the Types of Analysis
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Answer the questions found below as a individual.
Indicate the date:  ________________________
Be thorough; write good answers 
Indicate the name of the class:     ____________
Indicate the name of the Project:  ____________________
Use your time wisely. 
Be finished by the end of the allotted time
Word Format:               Link
Name of the Project: Writing a Thesis Statement
You are to finish your thesis statement in this exercise. 
To do this you must decide on methodology & types of analysis.
1. Pick 1 or more topics:  write them down  ( Should already be done )
2. Write 1 or more thesis statements
    Your thesis should have 
     1.  A topic           ( Should already be done )
     2.  A specification (narrowing) of the topic       ( Should already be done )
     3.  A socio historical analysis, specifying approximately what eras / events the paper will address
     4.  One of the  types of analysis 
     5.  One of the  types of analysis 
     6.  A phrase on the future analysis
     7.  A phrase on social policy / solutions
          Run-on or long winded statements are OK.

1.  This paper examines  (topic; this should already be determined)  _____________________________________________________________

2.  This paper examines (narrowing to a sub topic or field;  this should already be determined) __________________________________________


3.  The paper will offer a socio historical analysis on (time periods / events / eras):  ___________________________________________________



4.  The paper will use a  _________________________________________________________  analysis in way of addressing  _____________



5.  A  _________________________________________________________  analysis will be employed to examine   _____________________



6.  It is expected that  (future analysis) _____________________________________________________________________________________


7.  To address the problems discussed in the paper, it is suggested that  ___________________________________________________________


Refining the thesis  
Write down the thesis in the rough.  Then re-write as several sentences, or a run-on sentence,  smoothing out the grammar and form.





The End