Scrophulariaceae - Figwort
Members of the Scrophulariaceae
- Figwort Family
(click on a name below to see
an image of the species)
back to the main Dicot pageAgalinis purpurea - Purple Gerardia Aureolaria laevigata - Yellow Foxglove Chelone glabrum - Turtlehead Mimulus ringens - Monkey Flower Pedicularis canadensis - Lousewort Penstemon digitalis - Foxglove Beardtongue Verbascum blattaria - Moth Mullein Verbascum thapsis - Great Mullein Veronica hederaefolia - Ivy-leaved Speedwell Veronica officinalis - Common Speedwell Veronica persica - Bird's Eye Veronica serpyllifolia - Thyme-leaved Speedwell