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February 27, 1863 George Herbert Mead born in South Hadley, Massachusetts to Hiram Mead and Elizabeth Storrs Mead.
1867 Family moves to a new parish in Nashau, New Hampshire
1869 Hiram Mead father appointed to the chair of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
1877 Mead meets Henry Castle in Oberlin's Preparatory Department
1879 Mead enters Oberlin College as freshman student.
1880 Henry Castle enters Oberlin College 1880
1881 Hiram Mead dies
1882 Mead and Castle become friends.
1882 Helen Castle, Henry's sister and later, Mrs. George Mead enrols at Oberlin.
1882 Mead and Henry Castle co-edit Oberlin Review.
1883 Mead completes studies at Oberlin.
1883 Mead takes teaching position in
Berlin Heights, Ohio.
1884 February: Berlin Heights school closed,
Mead "fired."
1884 April: Joins survey crew in northern Minnesota working for Wisconsin Central Railroad
1884 September: Joins survey team for Minneapolis and Pacific Railroad.
1885 January: Begins work as private tutor for boys preparing for college in Minneapolis
1885 Summer Henry Castle leaves for Berlin to study philosophy at University of Berlin.
1887 January Henry Castle enrols in Harvard Law School
1887 September Mead enrolls at Harvard
1887 October Henry and George share rooms at 11 Sumner Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts
1888 January In need of funds, Mead becomes private tutor, and moves out of Sumner.
1888 March Henry leaves Harvard to join his brother Will's law practice in Honolulu.
1888 Mead gets BA from Harvard
1888 Summer Mead hired as tutor for William James Household. Has unhappy affair with James' sister-in-law, Miss Gibbons.
1888 Mead leaves for Leipzig to study
1888 Fall Mead meets Stanley Hall at Leipzig
1888 Mead decides to specialize in physiological psychology
1888/89 Winter Semester Mead studies at University of Leipzig Course taken at Leipzig: Wundt "Fundamentals of Metaphysics' Heinze "History of More Recent Modern Philosophy" Seydel "The Relationship of German Philosophy to Christianity since Kant"
1889 Summer Semester Mead transfers to University of Berlin (April 2 1889)
Courses taken at Berlin Paulsen "History of More Recent Modern Philosophy with Consdierations of Modern development of culture in its entirety." "Psychology and Anthropology; Philosophical Exercises based on Schopenhauer's The world as will and idea' Waldeyer General Anatomy Ebbinghaus Experimental Psychology
1889 Fall Henry Castle Marries Frieda Stechner, returns to Hawaii, founds Honolulu Gazette Co.
1889 Jane Addams founds Hull-House in Chicago.
1890 Summer Helen Castle moves to Berlin
1890 Fall Frieda Stechner Castle killed in accident Winter Semester
1889/90 Ebbinghaus "Psychology with Consideration of Experimental and Physiological Psychology" Summer Semester 1990 Dilthey: Ethics, Presented in its Principles and Particular Explications; Pfleiderer: Philosophy of Religion. Winter 1890/1891 Munk; Physiology Paulsen, Pedagogics Summer 1991 Dilthey: History of Philosophy Paulsen: Philosophical Exercises based on Kant's Critique of Pure Reason : Anthropology and Psychology Schmoller: General or Theoretical Political Economy
1891 Mead meets James A. Tufts in Berlin through his fiancee, Helen Castle
1891 Mead marries Helen Castle October 1 1891 in Berlin
1891 Mead takes position at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor replacing Tufts. Teaches physiological psychology, History of Philosophy, Kant, evolution. Meets John Dewey (departmental chair) and Alfred Lloyd. Franklin & Coydon Ford,
1892 Paper on love from the Jamesian perspective (box X, folder 1) 1892 Tufts hired as into Philosophy Department at University of Chicago Albion Small joins Department of Sociology at Chicago
1893 Spring Mead promoted to assistant professor
1893 Tufts recommends Dewey as new Chair at Unversity of Chicago
1893 Fall Henry Castle moves to Ann Arbor, enrols in University
1893 W.I. Thomas enrols in Graduate Department of Sociology at Chicago
1894 (January) University of Chicago Settlement House founded.
1894 Dewey offered Chair of Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Education at University of Chicago, accepting on the condition that Mead be hired as an assistant professor. James Rowland Angell joins Philosophy Department 1984 Addison Webster Moore joins Department of Philosophy in 1894
1895 January Henry Castle and daughter Dorothy killed in boating accident crossing English Channel
1895 W.I. Thomas becomes lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago
1900 Edward Scribner Ames joins Department of Philosophy
1902 Mead promoted to associate professor (without PhD)
1903 City Club formed
1905 Dewey leaves Chicago for Columbia University, New York City
1906 Mead joins the City Club of Chicago.
1907 W.I. Thomas publishes Sex and Society: Studies in the Social Psychology of Sex
1908 Mead becomes Chairman of City Club's standing Committee on Public Education
1908 January Mead joins the Board of Directors of the University Settlement (serves on board to 1922)
1908 Immigrants' Protective League formed
1909 Mead serves as vice-president of the Immigrant's Protective League throught 1919.
190? Charles Judd joins Psychology Department at Chicago
1910 Chicago Garment Workers' Strike
1910 W.I. Thomas becomes full professor, University of Chicago
1911 - Chairman of the University Settlement Committee on Studies and Publications
1912 Mead elected to the City Club Board of Directors. He remained on the Board in various roles through 1922.
1913 Park joins Sociology faculty as professorial lecturer
1916 Mead chairs City Club Public Affairs Committee through 1918
1918 W.I. Thomas leaves Chicago for Columbia
1919 Mead elected President of the City Club
1919-1922 Mead serves as president of the Board of Directors of the University Settlement
1919 Race riots shatter American Cities.
Lloyd Gordon
Ward and Robert Throop
The Mead Project, Department of Sociology, Brock University,
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2S 3A1
(905) 688-5550 x 3455
Last revision: 10/09/99 07:00:09 AM