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HA21 Social Impact Assessment Principles and Approaches: Reflections on 15 Years of Practice, Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited, 1995, (10 pages)
I0202 Psychoanalysis and Social Impact Assessment, Mr. Frank Tester, 1983, (12 pages), Four dilemmas of SIA and concerns about the role of Social Impact Assessment in influencing corporate policy decisions.
I0314 Native People and Social Impact Assessment in Canada, J. B. Waldram, 1983, (7 pages), contributions that minimally trained native people can make to collaborative social impact assessment process.
I1206 Guidelines and Principles for Social Impact Assessment [SIA], Interorganizational Committee on Guidelines and Principles, R. Burge et al, 1994, (48 pages), central principles and operational guidelines for use by U.S. Federal agencies in conducting social impact assessments; legal mandates and administrative procedures; basic social impact assessment model/ framework; steps in the social impact assessment process; SIA principles.
I1209 Social Impact Assessment in Western Australia at a Crossroads, J. Beckwith, 1994, (15 pages) examines the extent to which a state government's social impact unit and Australia's Environmental Protection Act was successful in addressing social impacts; samples of social impact commitments made by proponents; discussion of mineral sands, portland cement projects.
I1311 In Praise of SIA - A personal review of the Field of Social Impact Assessment: Feasibility, Justification, History, Methods, Issues, K. Finsterbusch, 1995, (24 pages) overview of the field of social impact assessment in the United States; legal basis; ethical foundations spelled out; 10 generic steps as part of SIA methodology; bibliography.
I1312 The Need for Retrospective Impact Assessment: the Megaprojects Example, P. Boothroyd, et al, 1995, (19 pages) retrospective look at wide range of social impact assessment reports on Canadian-based megaprojects; list of mega-projects; characteristics of studies.
I1313 Social Impact Assessment in Quebec: Issues and Perspectives for Sustainable Community Development, C. Gagnon, 1995, (16 pages) review of role of SIA in community sustainability; shortcomings in Quebec; sociospatial impacts; case study of Alcan Aluminium Smelter Project.
Health Impacts
I1208 Integration of Health Impact Considerations in Environmental Impact Assessment Studies, M. Arquiaga, L. Canter, D. Nelson, 1994, (22 pages) of 11 EIAs, examination of 4 that included health information for decision making and identifying mitigation measures; summary table of how health was addressed for the 11 projects; table on steps in health assessment, methodology.
I1302 The Impact of Energy Development on Education, R. Seydlitz, P. Jenkins, S. Hampton, 1995, (16 pages), examination of how energy developments (off-shore petroleum development) have had positive and negative effects on school education; pre-boom to bust phase studies.
I1216 A Microcomputer Model for Assessing Socioeconomic Impacts of Development Projects, L. Leistritz, R. Coon, R. Hamm, 1994, (13 pages), description strengths and limitations of Microcomputer Economic-Demographic Assessment Model (MEDAM) for assessing economic, demographic, public service and fiscal impacts of resource and industrial development projects. For SEARS also see I0301.
I1103 The Role of Trade Estimates in Measuring Economic Impacts: The USDA Forest Service's IMPLAN Model, L. Pedersen and D. Chappelle, 1993, (10 pages), results of comparison of Impact analysis for PLANning (IMPLAN) and Regional Economic Models Inc. (REMI) in terms of their plausibility when measuring direct and indirect of changes on the economy of regional and state industry and services.
I0203 Using ISM to Enhance Model Building, Dr. Thomas Roper, 1983, (13 pages), Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) as a diagraph approach to resolving problems of analysing a large system and larger number of possible iterations.
I0320 Practical Predictive Models for Quantitative Impact Analysis, F. C. Bell, 1984-85, (8 pages), simplification of impact assessment computer models in the context of several (U.S.) state models.
I1308 Risk Assessment, R. Carpenter, 1995, (35 pages) illustration of how environmental risk assessment can improve environmental protection and management; history of approaches to risk assessment; techniques of hazard identification; human health assessment methods; cancer risk; ecological risk; ranking risks.
I1108 The Need for Risk Assessment by Consensus, M. Kamrin, 1993, (8 pages) analyses examples of risk communication and concludes that local people reaching consensus of risk is more effective than 3rd party assessments.
I0204 Impact Assessment of International Development Projects, Dr. Paul P. Appasamy, 1983, (14 pages), Broader analysis is required to address difficulties that cost-benefit analysis has in assessing non-technological projects.
AH22 Precious Values: Integrating Diverse Forest Values into Forest Management Policy and Action, Hardy Stevenson and Associates report, later published by Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources, 1994, (30 pages)
[Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited has North America's most complete collection of papers, articles and books on the moral and ethical aspects of nuclear power development and waste disposal; the firm also has the complete collection of the 'Ethics and Energy Newsletter'; and energy and ethics articles from the Journal of Business Ethics; please contact us for details.]
HA103 Heaven, Hell or Purgatory: The Churches and the Nuclear Energy Debate, HSA Article Available on Request, 1983, (6 pages)
I1101A International Public Opinion toward the Environment, Part 1, Dunlap, Gallup, Gallup, 1993, (24 pages) results of 24 country survey and cross-cultural analysis of attitudes toward the environment; Tables: most important environmental problems, rating of environmental quality, future problems, seriousness locally and in the world.
I1101B International Public Opinion toward the Environment, Part 11, Dunlap, Gallup, Gallup, 1993, (33 pages) completion of article I1101A; causes and solutions of environmental problems; actions that could be taken toward sustainability; attitudes toward environmental protection and economic development.
I1213 Economic and Fiscal Impact Assessment, L. Leistritz, 1994, (13 pages), conceptual basis, methods and techniques commonly used in assessing economic and fiscal impacts.
[HSA has a good collection of articles and reports on facilitation; we've also facilitated dozens of meetings, conferences etc, specializing in tough facilitation assignments - e-mail us for details.]
HA110 Facilitation: HSA Approach, (6 pages)
HA91 Presentation at the World's First Alternative Dispute Resolution Trade Fair, HSA paper, 1995, (8 pages)
HA92 Transportation Planning: HSA Experience with High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes, HSA article, 1995, (1 page)
HA93 Ontario Hydro Multi-Stakeholder (electricity rate) Consultation Workshops, HSA article, 1994, (1 page)
I0208 The Interface of Public Involvement and Social Impact Assessment: A Conference Report, 1983, (10 pages), approach to evaluation of public involvement and understanding the relationship of public involvement and social impact assessment.
I0324 The Mediation of Alienation in Energy Development: the Case for the Keephills Thermal Power Project, J. Frederes, et al, 1984/85, (9 pages), the relationship of public participation programme to alienation and anomie in the context of a major coal-fired, thermal power plant and surface coal mine extension.
HA94 Public Consultation for Sustainable Forestry Initiatives, HSA article, 1995, (1 page)
HA95 Public Consultation and the Environmental Assessment Process, HSA paper, 1995, (12 pages)
HA96 Public Consultation: Prospects and Promise, HSA paper, 1995, (15 pages)
HA97 Integrating Public Consultation and Social Impact Assessment, HSA paper, 1995, (16 pages)
I1303 Development Impact Assessment: Impact Assessment of Aid Projects in Nonwestern Countries, J. Jiggins, 1995, (23 pages) discussion of effectiveness of traditional EIAs in non-western cultures; domination of neo-classical economics; gender analysis; use of local knowledge; participatory approaches; bibliography.
I1305 In-Country EIA Training in the South Pacific: An Interim Review and Evaluation of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme's EIA Program, K. Onorio, R. Morgan, 1995, (14 pages) description of South Pacific Regional Environment Program-based EIA training program consistent with local cultures.
I1315 Bangladesh and the Environment, H. Schroll, 1995, (9 pages) training experiences in helping Bangladesh improve EIA program; problems facing the country.
I0321 Language: Object and Instrument for Quantitative Impact Analysis, D. Rusu, 1984/85, (7 pages), evolution of impact assessment language; how language has changed to accommodate impact assessment terminology.
I0323 Alaskan Natives, Environmental Preservation and Resource Development: An SIA of Hydaburg, Alaska, E. W. Gondolf and S. R. Wells, 1984/85, (10 pages) modifications to SIA purpose, scope and methods based on circumstances of Haida community.
I1210 Cumulative Effects Assessment: Concepts and Principles, H. Spaling, 1994 (21 pages) a conceptual framework of cumulative environmental change; key concepts and principles; input-output model; environmental change theory; table form typology of cumulative effects.
I1211 Cumulative Effects Assessment [CEA] at the Project Level, D. Lawrence, 1994, (21 pages), process of integrating CEA concepts and methods into project level EIA's; extensive tables comparing EIA and CEA, characterization of cumulative effects, social impact interrelationships, agricultural impact interrelationships, off-site impacts in relation to sample hazardous waste facility; integrating CEA and EIA.
I1214 Cumulative Effects Assessment: A Tool for Sustainable Development, R. Clark, 1994, (13 pages) US-based NEPA assessment of technological and institutional barriers to performing cumulative effects analysis and recommends improvements.
I1425 An Overview of the Canadian Experience in Environmental Assessment, Dr. M. Husain Sadar and William Stolte, 1994, (14 pages), objectives of federal and provincial processes; cost effectiveness and efficiency; challenges facing practitioners.
I0101 Environmental Impact Assessment, L. W. Canter, 1982, (36 pages), identifies scientific methods and techniques used in environmental impact assessment studies; extensive 1970s references on environmental and socio-economic approaches.
I0206 Pitfalls in Environmental Impact Assessment, 1983, (10 pages), Issues of facts and values in EA processes, 7 criteria for evaluating impact assessment methods.
I1204 Evaluation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure in India, M. Valappil, D. Devuyst, L. Hens, 1994, (14 pages), evolution of EIA in India, evaluation of practices and recommendations for improvement.
I1120 Historical Roots of EIA, J. Mayda, 1993, (5 pages) description of 1967 call for an assessment of impacts of copper mining in Puerto Rico; early framework for EIA.
I1310 The Use of GIS in Environmental Assessment, W. Eedy, 1995, (8 pages), description of the usefulness of Geographic Information Systems; large data analysis; trend analysis; habitat analysis; aesthetic analysis and public consultation.
I1314 Ecological Impact Assessment, J. Treweek, 1995, (27 pages) role of ecological science in predicting the consequences of individual development projects on valued ecosystem components; description and definition of ecological impact assessment; identification of valued ecosystem components; impact assessment; evaluation; monitoring; criteria and indicators; bibliography.
I1102 Anticipation in Environmental Assessment: Recent Trends at the Policy and Planning Level, Maria do Rosario Partidario, 1993, (18 pages) international state of the art review of the incorporation of EIA into policies and plans in 10 countries and 5 states; extent of linkage of EIA to national plans and environmental sustainability.
I1301 Environmental Impact Assessment: Challenges and Opportunities, L. Ortolano, A. Sheppard, 1995, (28 pages) critical overview of international practice of EIA; indicates ways EIA might be more effective.
I1422 Integration of EIA in Development Projects the African Development Bank Experience, Dr. Oumar Aw, 1996, (20 pages), ADB classification of projects based on potential impacts; lessons from 6 infrastructure projects; successes and failures experienced.
I1423 Integration of Regional Land Use Planning with Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Land Suitability Assessment Approach, Dr. Michael Warner, 1996 (35 pages), land suitability assessment; method used - Integrated Framework for Land Use Evaluation; inventories; scoping; thresholds, management and mitigation; applications.
I0210 Integrating Environmental Mediation into EA, Fred Curtis, 1983, (9 pages), Paper describes EM and the role of mediator, and shows how EM can be integrated into the EA process in Saskatchewan Canada.
see I1211 Cumulative Effects Assessment [CEA] at the Project Level, for comments on integrating EIA and CEA
I1424 Subjective Environmental Impact Assessment: Causes, Problems and Solutions, Erik Mostert, 1996, (23 pages), method of doing EIA when the results are influenced by subjective norms, values and interests of one or more parties involved; recommendations.
A11 Social Value of Geologic Landforms, HSA Limited, Fall 1995, (1 page)
A12 Application of 'Environment First' Land-Use Planning Policies: What are Significant Landforms? HSA Limited Witness Statement Available. (15 pages)
A13 Planning at the Crossroads [a Values-Based planning approach], D. Hardy, HSA Limited Paper, 1993, (10 pages)
I0212 An Aesthetic Impact Assessment Technique, J. H. Roebig, 1983, (10 pages), Visual impact assessment technique; criteria. Practical application to Staten Island, N.Y. coal handling terminal.
I1113 Using Indicators of Unsustainability in Development Programs, K. Eckman, 1993, (14 pages) because attempts at poverty alleviation have led to environmental degradation, sustainability indicators are recommended for NGOs.
I1309 Disease, Pests, and Impact Assessment, P. Epstein, 1995, (9 pages) impacts on change on pests and infectious disease patterns as indicators of full impacts of human activity on the ecosystem; biological indicators and environmental monitoring; climate change.
[HSA has a large collection of land-use planning; community planning and development research - e-mail us for details.]
I1215 The integration of land-use planning and management with environmental impact assessment: some Australian and Canadian perspectives, A. J. Conacher, 1993, (26 pages) comparison of problems in integrating environmental protection with regional land-use planning and management; recommends integration methodology; extensive bibliography.
I1105 Impact Assessment and Spatial Planning: Cantonal Guiding Plans as an Instrument for Environmental Protection, M. Eggenberger, 1993, (11 pages) Switzerland-based description of integration of environmental impact assessment and land-use planning as a method of achieving sustainable development.
I1407 Integration of EIA in Development Projects: The African Development Bank (ADB) Experience, O. Aw, 1996, (21 pages) description of ADB experiencein EIA; Tanzania Madibira Irrigation Project; Tunisia Barbaba Dam Project; Lesotho Muela Hydropower Project; Nigeria Reconstruction of Ibadab-Ilorin Highway Project; Central African Republic Coffee Growing Area Rural Development Project; Cameroon Abong Road Project; future Directions and Conclusions.
Also see:
I1423 Integration of Regional Land Use Planning with Environmental Impact Assessment: A Practical Land Suitability Assessment Approach, Dr. Michael Warner, 1996 (35 pages)
A18 Suburbs in Transition, Hardy Stevenson and Associates 1980, (12 pages)
I0207 Planning and Impact Assessment, Ryszard Wasniowski, 1983, (8 pages), Framework for integration planning and impact assessment and testing through practical application in Jelenia Gora, Poland.
I0214 Ingredients for Successful Community Development - Atikokan Township Case Study, I. Kairow, 1983, (8 pages), 10 ingredients for successful community development for a Township following decline of mines; Appendix on Observations on effectiveness of Community Impact Agreements.
see I1205, Agricultural improvement through irrigation project
A16 Town of Kincardine Strategic Plan, Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited and Randolph Group, 1996, (40 pages)
A17 Kortright Centre (Conservation Centre) Strategic Plan (Environment Theme Area) Hardy Stevenson and Associates Limited, Research Report, 1994, (35 pages)
I1307 Technology Assessment, A. Porter, 1995, (17 pages) 1990s definition of EA; 10 steps for technology assessment; emerging issues.
I0102 Increasing the Utilization and Utilization of Assessment Studies, M. R. Berg, 1981, (11 pages), how to make technology assessments and social impact assessments more useful and used; includes abstracts of selected technology assessments utilization studies.
I0105 Status of Technology Assessment at NSF, J. Menkes, 1982, (8 pages), U.S. National Science Foundation research directions and list of technology assessments underway.
I0322 A Simple Model for Assessing Technological Impact, G. Wilmoth, et al, 1984/85, (4 pages), model aiding the analysis of types of impact created by technological change.
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