Bachelor's Degrees Awarded to Women by Discipline
Agriculture 2.7% 30.8% 31.1%  41.7%
Architecture 4.0 18.3 39.3  35.1
Biological Sciences 28.2 44.1 50.2 55.1
Business 8.5 3.67 46.7  48.5
Computer and information science 13.01 32.5 30.7  26.7
Education 75.3 75.0 77.7  75.2
Engineering 0.4 10.3 13.6  16.9
English & English literature 66.2 66.5 ----  66.9
Foreign languages 70.7 75.6 73.3  70.0
Health 76.9 83.5 84.9  82.9
Home economics 97.5 95.5 90.6  87.6
Mathematics 33.3 42.8 46.0 46.5
Physical Sciences 13.6 24.6 29.7 39.4
Psychology 41.0 65.0 70.8 74.4
Social sciences 35.0 44.2 44.4 49.2
    Economics 9.8 30.5 ---- 31.7
    History 34.6 37.9 ---- 39.1
    Sociology 59.6 69.6 ---- 68.8
1 Data are for 1969, earliest year available

----- Not Available

Note that women are most highly represented in home economics and health, which reflect the traditional female role, and are most underrepresented in such “technical” areas as 
engineering and architecture.  However, note also the rapid changes in such areas as architecture, biology, and business, particularly in the 1966-1989 period.

Sources: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education, “Earned Degrees Conferred, 1980-81”; U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, “Trends in Bachelor’s and Higher Degrees, 1975-1985”; U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract  of the United States, 1992; National Center for Education Statistics. 2001. Digest of Education Statistics, 200, table 257. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.  Also available on the World Wide Web:

The End