In-Class Team Project   Writing a Thesis Statement
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Answer the questions found below as a individual.
Indicate the date:  ________________________
Be thorough; write good answers 
Indicate the name of the class:     ____________
Indicate the name of the Project:  ____________________
Use your time wisely.       
Be finished by the end of the allotted time
Name of the Project: Writing a Thesis Statement
1. Pick 2 or three topics:  write them down
2. Write two thesis statements
    Your thesis should have 
     a.  A topic
     b.  A specification (narrowing) of the topic
     c.  At least 4 types of analysis     (this is done in the next in-class project)
          Run-on or long winded statements are OK.
This paper examines  (topic)  ________________________________________________________________________________________

This paper examines (narrowing to a subtopic or field) 



This paper examines  (topic)  ________________________________________________________________________________________

This paper examines (narrowing to a subtopic or field) 



This paper examines  (topic)  ________________________________________________________________________________________

This paper examines (narrowing to a subtopic or field) 



The End