Outside-of-Class Project:
Question Writing
  Your Mission
  The Project
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Carry out the assignment found below as an individual
Indicate the name of the class:     _____________
Hand in one answer with your name
Indicate the date:  _______________
Indicate the name of the Project:  _______________
Be thorough--write good answers
Use your time wisely
Turn-in the assignment on time
Question writing assignment
List your assigned chapter before the questions
You are to write:
2 multiple choice questions
1 true/false question
2 short answer questions  ( fill-in-blank, short phrase, etc )
1 in-class project
And provide the answers
You are to indicate whether the question is from the 
   text or the lecture
If from the text, list the page number
If from the lecture, list the lecture topic
You are to provide a hard copy 
    & email me the assignment at    pwithen@virginia.edu
Writing good questions:
Make them neither too simple, nor too complex
Write them, then put them away & review them later 
    to see if they still look good
The questions should be from both the lecture & the text,
  if we have lectured on the topic
The In-Class Project should be brief enough so students
    could complete it in 20 minutes

Your topic:    ____________________________________


The End