Outline on SIA
Step 12: Evaluate the Project
Steps in SIA
Although every project, and every SIA, is unique, in most cases there
is a series of more or less standard steps through which the analysis must
proceed in order to achieve good results, including:
1. Dev an effective public involvement plan, so that all affected interests
will be involved.
2. Scoping to Identify the Stakeholders & the Issues
3. Identify and characterize alternatives
4. Define baseline conditions
5. Project probable impacts
6. Predict responses to impacts
7. Consider indirect & cumulative impacts
8. Recommend new alternatives
9. Develop a mitigation plan
10. Implement to project
11. Monitor the project
12. Evaluate the project
13. Modify the project as needed
And some SIA projects may have steps that are unique to it |
Step 12 in the SIA process is to evaluate the project |
An integral part of monitoring, but not the only role, is the evaluation
of the proj |
Monitoring is essentially simply measuring the outcomes of an action,
direct, indirect, in the short, medium & long term, & the cumulative
impacts |
Evaluation analyzes the monitoring data & then judges whether the
outcomes are to be viewed as expected or unexpected, favorable or unfavorable |
Because eval involves judgments, the ultimate goals of the proj, &
sometimes touch the strategic goals of an agency or org, eval is often
highly politicized |
Because eval involves measuring human performance to determine whether
it is in the acceptable range or not, eval involved highly personal personnel
issues |
Like monitoring, soc evaluation must take place in conjunction w/ the
physical monitoring of the proj |
Evaluation should be carried out based on the original goals of the
proj |
Evaluation, in general, should compare baseline conditions to the outcomes
as measured by monitoring & then determine if these outcomes are w/in
an acceptable range, & are in the predicted direction or not |
It is the processes of monitoring & mitigation that determine whether
a the proj has been properly implemented, whether mitigations are effective,
& ultimately whether modification of the proj is needed |