Outline on  Hawthorne Effect & Placebos
Hawthorne effect:  Form of reactivity: 
      Added social attn increases productivity
Placebo effect:  Form of reactivity
     People react as a result of being studied,
     when in fact nothing has changed
Placebo: false or phony treatment designed to differentiate btwn 
      changes due to real treatment & "imagined" treatment
The Hawthorne plant research
Concept of econ person replaced w/ soc person
Pace of wk set by wkrs
Phase 1:  inconsistent data
Phase 2:  prod /\ irregardless of env changes in wkplace!
      No easily identified relationship btwn prod & wk env
Phase 3:  output is determined by indi w/in a grp
Phase 4:  wkrs ( not mgrs ) controlled pace of wk
     1. Wkrs at GE plant restricted output because
         a.  Afraid of wking selves out of a job
         b.  Mgt might raise standards--
               then they wouldn't be able to achieve goal set by mgt
          c.  Low rate protected slow wkrs
          d.  Mgt accepted the current rate
     2.  Wkrs treat diff mgrs diff'ly:  more respect for upper mgt
     3.  Cliques or subgrps formed
     4.  Wkrs form codes of conduct
           a.  no ratebusters
           b.  no chiselers
           c.  no squealers
           d.  no stand-off-ish-ness
The End