The protocol as defined below follows the Protocol Approval Form.  In writing your protocol, follow the outline below plus Appendices.  Use the same numbering system and headings below to enable the Committee to easily find your responses to these questions.  For a full discussion of these questions and requirements, see the Protocol Guidelines which follow.  Be sure to answer every section.  If any part of a section is not applicable, indicate with N/A.  Number all pages, including Appendices.


Be sure to include the HIC Protocol Approval Form

& a sample of  the HIC Informed Consent Form for the present research project


A.                 Description of Research

1.                  Provide a brief synopsis of the study, including:

a)                 Short literature review.                                  ( Lit Review from Theory Term Paper )

b)                 Rationale for the proposed study,               ( Introduction from Theory Term Paper )

c)                  Hypotheses to be tested.                             ( Research Objectives from the Research Design )

2.                  Participants:                                                              ( Sampling )               Link

a)                 Describe the subjects

b)                 Sample size

c)                  How will the subjects be selected for participation?

d)                 Diagnostic criteria for inclusion

e)                 Criteria for exclusion.

B.                 Experimental Design (or Non-Experimental Design)       ( Type of Analysis & Research Objectives:  Report that the research is non-experimental design )

1.                  What kind of controls will be used.

2.                  Single-blind, double-blind, or other.

3.                  If randomized, explain how.

4.                  Plans for statistical analyses.

C.                Data Collection Procedures                                                ( This will also be reported in your methods section )

1.                  Describe exactly what will be done to subjects, including:

a)                 Instructions to participants.                                      ( Consent & Confidentiality )      Link

b)                 Instruments to be used.                                            ( Research Instrument )

c)                  Frequency and duration of each procedure.          ( Data Collection Strategy:  Here, simply estimate how long the survey will take for the Participant to fill out. )     Link

d)                 Site of data collection                                               ( Data Collection Strategy )

e)                 Total amount of subject’s time required for participation.            ( Data Collection Strategy )

2.                  Informed Consent                                          (Consent & Confidentiality:  through the Introductory Statement )       Link


a)                 How will subjects be informed of the purpose, procedures, risks, and benefits of the study?

b)                 Who will administer the informed consent form?

c)                  If minors are involved, submit a child’s consent form as well as a parent/guardian consent form.

d)                 If non-English speaking subjects are involved, how will the information be translated?

e)                 If requesting a waiver of written, signed consent, justify this request.



A consent form should include:

f)                    The purpose of the study.

g)                 Why the subject has been selected to participate in the study.

h)                  A thorough explanation of exactly what will be done to the subject.

i)                    The amount of time each procedure will require and the total amount of time required for participation by the subject.

j)                    A description of any foreseeable risks or discomforts.

k)                  A description of any benefits possible to the subject or to others that might be expected from the research.

l)                    A statement concerning the confidentiality of records.

m)               An explanation of whom to contact for answers to questions about the research and research subject’s rights.  The names and phone numbers of the principal investigator(s) and HIC Chair must be included.

n)                  A statement that participation is voluntary, that there will be no penalty due to refusal to participate or continue participation, and that the subject may discontinue participation and withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.

D.                 Risks             ( Consent & Confidentiality & Sample:  Informed Consent Document for an Anonymous Survey )

1.                  What are the potential risks to subjects participating in this study?

2.                  How will you protect against these risks?

3.                  How will you treat any adverse effects?

4.                  Are subjects restricted from using other drugs or treatments?

5.                  What are the risks of being in the control group?

6.                  What details of the study, if any, are kept secret from the subjects?

E.                  Benefits         (Consent & Confidentiality & Sample:  Informed Consent Document for an Anonymous Survey )

1.                  What are the potential benefits to the subject?

2.                  Analyze the risk/benefit ratio.  Do the benefits outweigh the potential risks to the subjects?

F.                 Cost                (Consent & Confidentiality & Sample:  Informed Consent Document for an Anonymous Survey )

1.                  Will participation in the project require any out-of-pocket expenditures?

G.                 Payment        (Consent & Confidentiality & Sample:  Informed Consent Document for an Anonymous Survey )

1.                  Will subjects be reimbursed for their participation?

H.                  Confidentiality           (Consent & Confidentiality & Sample:  Informed Consent Document for an Anonymous Survey)

1.                  How will subjects remain anonymous?

2.                  How will records be kept confidential?

I.                     Appendices

1.                  Letters of support from institutions or agencies.               ( Many agencies have standard leter )

2.                  Letters of support from special consultants.                      ( Senior Thesis will probably have none )

3.                  Copies of all data collection instruments.                           (Senior Thesis will probably have none )

4.                  Copies of project flyers and/or recruitment advertisements.                    (Senior Thesis will probably have none )

5.                  Copies of educational materials to be distributed to subjects.                (Senior Thesis will probably have none )

6.                  Copy of human consent documentation forms.                                         ( Include your Consent Form )

7.                  Copy of Experimental Subject’s Bill of Rights.                                          (Senior Thesis will probably have none )

8.                  Copy of the complete curriculum vitae of the principal investigator.       ( Bring your vita up to date )