Project: Theory & Your Project
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Answer the questions found below as a group
Hand in one answer with everyone's name
- First & last & in alphabetical order by last name
- Include only members who are present
Indicate the date:  _____________________
Indicate the name of the class
Indicate the name of the Project: 
Be thorough; write good answers
Use your time wisely. 
Be finished by the end of the allowed time
Project: Theory & Your Project

1.  Pick a classic or modern sociological theorist or two whom we have studied (or will study) & list their name(s).

2.  List three or four of their major ideas that seem important or useful to you.

3.  Briefly outline how these ideas may be useful to you in a project you are doing or a paper you are writing.  If you are not involved in such activities, how could these theoretical ideas be seen in your life or the life of someone you know?

4.  If this is done as a group project, have each person share one of their ideas to question three w/ other group members & have a scribe write them down to turn in.

The End