Project: Multi Paradigmatic Analysis 
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Answer the questions found below as a group
Hand in one answer with everyone's name. 
1.  First & last & in alphabetical order by last name. 
      - Include only members who are present. 
2.  Indicate the date:  _____________________ 
3.  Indicate the name of the class. 
4.  Indicate the name of the Project. 
Be thorough; write good answers. 
Use your time wisely. 
Be finished by the end of the allowed time. 
Project: Multi Paradigmatic Analysis 

1.  Pick a social setting, social problem, social issue, or any topic you are interested in. 

2.  Apply a multi paradigmatic analysis to this topic.  

3.  Some specific things to discuss (though you should not be limited by this list) include:
      What paradigms are you using?  
      Are there any 'social laws' involved? 
      Can you voice any specific theories or theoretical ideas you are using in your analysis?  
      What set of questions might be asked about the subject
      What general theoretical approach is usually used to explain the subject
      What general set of values usually relate to the subject
      What set of theories is usually used to examine the subject
      How do wealth & power impact your topic?  
      What model of society are your using?  Both?
      What are your value assumptions on culture?  Both?

Table:  A Typology of Paradigms
Kerbo 0404
 Model of Society: 
STRUCTURE           \/
Value Assumptions on CULTURE
1.  Critical Culture Order Structure  Paradigm 2.  Apologist Culture Order Structure Paradigm
  Focuses on the power of culture & cooperative social structures  Focuses on non power oriented culture & cooperative aspects of structures 
No modern theory is associated w/ this Paradigm Functional Theory (Durkheim, Parsons)
3.  Critical Culture Conflict Structure Paradigm 4.  Apologist Culture Conflict Structure  Paradigm
  Focuses on the power of culture & competitive social structures  Focuses on non power oriented culture & competitive social structures 
Ruling Class Theory (Marxism) Power Conflict Theory (Weber)
Post Modernist Paradigms focus on the power of culture ( Critical Culture Paradigm), but deny that any structure exists ( contra the Order Structure Paradigm & the Conflict Structure Paradigm )
Kerbo 0404 Source:  Adapted from Hermann Strasser (1976) 
The Normative Structure of Sociology:  Conservative & Emancipatory Themes in Social Thought.  London:  Routledge & Kegan Paul.


The End