Forestry Solutions |
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Env'l Sol
Air pollution sol
Introduction |
Summary |
Reduce forestry
physical problems
To achieve these
Involve the participants
1. Involvement of Env Mvmt |
2. Involvement
of Ind'lists
3. Involvement
of Rec'ists
4. Involvement
of Gen Public
5. Involvement
of Govt
1. New laws
2. New regs
3. Reform of
4. Legal suits,
which are very individualized
5. Env'l grps who
lobby at all levels & take direct action
6. Local grps who
most likely influence the state reg
agency to do a better job |
Most logging is influenced by 1. Legislation by Congress or the states 2. Rules by the FS, BLM & others--implemented by states 3. Reform govt agencies 3. Legal suits, which are very individualized 4. Env'l grps who lobby at all levels & take direct action 5. Local grps who most likely influence the state reg agency to do a better job |