Inequality in the US
1. How would you as an individual rate the income
equality in the US? Very Low, Low,
Medium, High, Very High
2. Compare that to other members in your group.
What was the overall tally?
3. How would you as an individual rate the income
equality based on gender in the US? Very Low,
Low, Medium, High, Very High
4. Compare that to other members in your group.
What was the overall tally?
5. How would you as an individual rate the income
equality based on race in the US? Very Low,
Low, Medium, High, Very High
6. Compare that to other members in your group.
What was the overall tally?
7. As an individual, which of the following polices
to equalize inequality would you advocate?
none, lower taxes, raise the minimum wage,
offer free or subsidized health care, guaranteed employment,
other? ______________________________________
8. Compare that to other members in your group.
What was the overall tally?