Project: Examples of the Emergent Norm Process
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Answer the questions found below as a group
Hand in one answer with everyone's name
- First & last & in alphabetical order by last name
- Include only members who are present
Indicate the date:  _____________________
Indicate the name of the class
Indicate the name of the Project: 
Be thorough; write good answers
Use your time wisely. 
Be finished by the end of the allowed time
Project: The Emergent Norm Process

There are six stages in the emergent norm process:  urgency, uncertainty, communication, constraint, suggestibility, & permissiveness.  

1.  Give an example of each that has occurred to someone in your group.

2.  Indicate whether it happened in a small group, a crowd or a mass. 

If you do not have a real world example, give one from the media

The End