Project:  Transforming the Centralization of Your Organization
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:  Answer the questions found below as a group
Indicate the name of the class: __________________ Hand in one answer with everyone's name:
First & last and in alphabetical order by last name Include only members who are present
Indicate the date:  ____________________________ Indicate the name of the Project: ___________________
Be thorough; write good answers   Use your time wisely Be finished by the end of the allotted time
Project: Transforming the Centralization of Your Organization

1.  From an organization structure you have drawn, or an organization you are familiar w/,
     redesign the organization & either make the organization more or less centralized
     Thus you may add or subtract components, processes, relationships, etc. to your organization

2.  Then write down how, exactly, the organization is more or less centralized

3.  Write down the reasons from the lecture as to why you changed the organization as you did 

The End