Project: Video: Crash
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Answer the questions found below as a group
Hand in one answer with everyone's name. 
1.  First & last & in alphabetical order by last name. 
      - Include only members who are present. 
2.  Indicate the date:  _____________________ 
3.  Indicate the name of the class. 
4.  Indicate the name of the Project. 
Be thorough; write good answers. 
Use your time wisely. 
Be finished by the end of the allowed time. 
Project: Crash

Summary of the Causes of Racial / Ethnic Inequality: 
           A.  Social Psychological Theories 
                 1.  Authoritarian Personality 
                 2   Projection & Scapegoats 
                 3.  Social Learning 
           B.  Social Structural Theories 
                 1.  Functionalism 
                 2.  Conflict Theory 
                      a. Internal Colonialism 
                      b. Split Labor Market 
                      c. Marxist Theory

1.  From the list above, which causes of racial/ethnic inequality do you see in the video:  Crash.  Be as specific as possible.

2.  Would you say there are causes that are not included in the list, or events that are not explained by the list of racial/ethnic inequality?  Be as specific as possible.

The End