Project: Video: Profiling & the Types & Causes of Crimes
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Answer the questions found below as a group
Hand in one answer with everyone's name
- First & last & in alphabetical order by last name
- Include only members who are present
Indicate the date:  _____________________
Indicate the name of the class
Indicate the name of the Project: 
Be thorough; write good answers
Use your time wisely. 
Be finished by the end of the allowed time
Project: Video: Profiling & the Types & Causes of Crimes

1.  Pick one of the criminals to profile

2.  Describe his profile

3.  In the video, what type(s) of crime(s) is he committing?

4.  What does his profile tell you about why he did the crime(s)?  Justify or explain your answers

Summary of the Types of Crime

1.  Violent crime
2.  Property crime
3.  Juvenile crime
4.  Non violent crime
5.  Victimless crime
6.  Hate crime
7.  Treason
8.  Terrorism
9.  War crimes & crimes against humanity
10.  Street crime
11.  White collar crime

Summary of the Causes of Crime

I.  Classic Criminology:  freely chosen criminality
II.  Biological
      A.  Lombroso:  Avatism
      B.  Sheldon's Body Type Theory
      C.  XYY Theory
      D.  Genetics
      E.  Other Biological Explanations:  Hormones, brain damage, etc.
III.  Psychological Explanations
      A.  Psychoanalytic Explanations
      B.  Sociopathic Explanations
IV.  Social Explanations
      A.  Conflict Theory
            1.  Old Economic View:  Starvation
            2.  New Economic View:  Achievement
            3.  Ideological Explanation
            4.  Culture of Poverty
            5.  Victimless Crimes
      B.  Functional:  Durkheim & Merton on Anomie
      C.  Subcultural Explanations of Crime
            1.  Lower Class Culture
            2.  Differential Association:  learned behavior
            3.  Subculture of Violence
            4.  Corporate Culture

Wayne Williams      16:50
Robert Hansen          9:14
Larry Gene Bell          14:47

The End