Project: Video: Impact of Knowledge of Sexuality
Your Mission, should you decide to accept it:
Answer the questions found below as a group
Hand in one answer with everyone's name
- First & last & in alphabetical order by last name
- Include only members who are present
Indicate the date:  _____________________
Indicate the name of the class
Indicate the name of the Project: 
Be thorough; write good answers
Use your time wisely. 
Be finished by the end of the allowed time
Project: Impact of Knowledge of Sexuality

1.  Share some of the sex ed experiences you have had it your life, both formal & informal.

2.  What is the impact of sex ed & research in general on society?  Consider peer groups, the family, religion, etc.?

3.  What is the impact of research such as that done by Kinsey, Masters & Johnson, Hite, etc.?  Is it functional or dysfunctional for society?  

4.  Does education about sexuality increase promiscuity?  unwanted pregnancy?  responsible sexuality?  tolerance for differing sexual desires?  

The End