Env'l Solutions for: ___________________ |
List the top 10 physical / env'l problems surrounding this issue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
To achieve these
Involve the participants
List the manner in
which env'l change can be institutionalized
1. New laws
( political / govt )
2. New regs
( political / govt )
3. Reform of
agencies ( political / govt )
4. Legal suits,
which are very individualized (Any Soc Instit:
Probably against Govt or Econ Soc Instit)
5. Direct action
(Any Soc Instit: Probably against Govt or Econ Soc Instit)
6. Other:
How would you involve
any of the participants in the env'l debate?
What do they need to do? |
1. Involvement
of Env Mvmt
2. Involvement
of Ind'lists
3. Involvement
of Rec'ists
4. Involvement
of Gen Public
5. Involvement
of Govt
Related links
Link: Link: Link: Soc lecture list Link: Env Soc lecture list Link: Col beh Link: Soc mvmts Link:Env'l
Air pollution sol