Study Guide-Exam 1

I. You should be able to identify and provide brief answers about the following.
Thales Anaximander
Anaximenes Pythagoras theoria
cosmos katharsis Irrational numbers
musical intervals Table of opposition Pythagorean theorem
Heraclitus Logos Parmenides
Way of Truth  Absolute idealism Zeno of Elea
Reductio ad absurdum The Stadium The Achilles
The Arrow The Moving Rows Empedocles
earth, air fire and water Love and Strife  Anaxagoras
Mind Democritus  atoms
the void Solon  Sparta
Pericles Alcibiades Sophists
technical rhetoric  sophistic rhetoric philosophical rhetoric
Protagoras Isocrates Phaedrus


II. You will be asked to write an essay of 300-400 words on one of the following.