Students who pursue graduate school and earn a Doctorate degree in psychology may be employed in several different areas of psychology.  The Occupational Outlook Handbook (1998) reports the following median starting salaries and the median salaries for full-time employed psychology Doctorates based on information collected from surveys by the American Psychological Association. 


Please recall from your Quantitative Methods class (if you have completed the class) that the median salary is that salary that marks the point where half the salaries are above that salary and half the salaries are below that salary. 


Because of geographical variations and the wide range of starting salaries in the different fields, only the median starting salaries are given here. 



Median Starting Salary for Full-Time Employed Psychology Doctorates

Employment Area

Median Starting Salary

Associate Professor


Assistant Professor




Adjunct/Visiting Faculty


Research Position


Director of Human Services, Clinical Psychology


Median Salary for Full-Time Employed Psychology Doctorates

Employment Area

Median Salary

Director of Human Services, Counseling Psychology


Director of Human Services, School Psychology


Administration of Human Services


Other Applied


Faculty Position


Research Position


Administration of Research


Independent Practice/Clinical


VA Hospital/Clinical


Independent Practice/Counseling


Applied Psychology (I/O)


Director of Human Services/Other




Source: Landrum E. R. & Davis S. F. (2003).  The Psychology Major: Career Options and Strategies for Success, 2nd ed., Pearson Education Inc.: Upper Saddle river, NJ.