Bibliography: Gender and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Evelyn Beck

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Eltis, David, and Stanley L. Engerman. "Fluctuations in Sex and Age Ratios in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1664-1864." Journal of Economic History 46, 2 (1993): 308-323.

Eltis, David, and Stanley L. Engerman. "Was the Slave Trade Dominated by Men?" Journal of Interdisciplinary History 23, 2 (1992): 237-257.

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Lovejoy, Paul E., and David Richardson. "Competing Markets for Male and Female Slaves: Prices in the Interior of West Africa, 1780-1850." International Journal of African Historical Studies 28 (Spring 1995): 261-294.

Martin, Susan. "Slaves, Igbo Women and Palm Oil in the Nineteenth Century." (Unpublished paper, Symposium: The End of the Atlantic Slave Trade: Its Impact on Africa, 17-18 April 1993, Centre of Commonwealth Studies, University of Stirling)

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Robertson, Claire. "Gender and Trade Relations in Central Kenya in the Late Nineteenth Century." International Journal of African Historical Studies 30 (Winter 1997): 23-48.

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Shields, Francine. "The History of Women in 19th-Century Yorubaland: Untapped Sources." (Unpublished paper presented at conference on "Source Material for Studying the Slave Trade and the African Diaspora," Stirling, Scotland, 13-14 April 1996)

Steady, Filomena Chioma. "Women of Africa and the African Diaspora: Linkages and Influences." In Global Dimensions of the African Diaspora. 2nd ed. Ed. Joseph E. Harris. Washington DC: Howard University Press, 1993: 167-187.

Thomas, Velma Maia. Lest We Forget: the Passage from Africa to Slavery and Emancipation: A Three-Dimensional Interactive Book with Photographs and Documents from the Black Holocaust Exhibit. Crown, 1997.

Thornton, John K. "Sexual Demography: The Impact of the Slave Trade on Family Structure." In Slave Trades, 1500-1800. Ed. Patrick Manning. Variorum, 1997: 133-143.

Tibbles, Anthony, ed. Transatlantic Slavery: Against Human Dignity. London: National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, 1995.

Toledano, Ehud R. "Slave Dealers, Women, Pregnancy, and Abortion." (Revised as part of "Semsigul: A Circassian Female Slave in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cairo," In Slavery and Abolition: Studies in the Ottoman Middle East. Unive rsity of Washington Press, 1998.)

Walvin, James. Slavery and the Slave Trade: A Short Illustrated History. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1983.

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